Wenn sich jemand auf den abgedrehten westafrikanischen Gefängnisfunk versteht, dann sind das ADRIAN ORANGE und sein Rudel aus Meskalin schwangeren Dieben. ,Adrian Orange & Her Band" versammelt wahre ...
Almond Joy are the celestial comet heading the West Coast Fog Pop Revival. Featuring a cohort of Bay Area scene stars Jordan Almond (Rays, The World), as well as Muzzy Moskowitz (Froogie's Groovies, ...
"American Nudism or Gabriel Gutierrez is the former front person of Lysol. Done with starving on tour in the American underground he has settled in Olympia where he can bathe in synthesized chocolate ...
WOLF COLONEL ist Jason Anderson. Jason Anderson ist WOLF COLONEL, der sich noisigem Pop Rock und zuckersüßen Hooks verschrieben hat. Die vorangegangenen WOLF COLONEL Alben "Vikings Of Mint" und "The ...
Das neur Studioalbum von JASON ANDERSON, diesmal in Zusammenarbeit mit Phil Elvrum von den MICROPHONES und MOUNT EERIE. "New England" glänzt mit aufrichtigen Songs, aus jeder Note versprüht die ...
JASON ANDERSON ist ein Workaholic, denn anders kann man es wohl nicht nennen, wenn er bereits sechs Alben offiziell veröffentlicht hat, die Ideen für zwei weitere mit sich spazieren trägt; einen ...
Beat Happening reach into their bag of goodies and pull out a winner. One of their most requested songs is seen in a new light. This version of "Crashing Through" was recorded in 1986, produced by ...
Big City - "Liquid Times". A Recurring Daydream on zero gasoline Pixelating to exaltation on a big city night cantaloupe runs hard in the dungeoun then car home at 6am. "Firestarter walk with me" you ...
Bobby Birdman is the ultraego of west coast musician Rob Kieswetter and he graces us with his musical interludes on "Don't Walk Away" b/w "Dub Walk". Born in San Diego, raised in Nevada City, braised ...
BOBBY BIRDMAN hat zwei Alben mit schöner "glitch-folk"-Musik auf Hush Records veröffentlicht. "Heart Caves" ist sein erster Vorstoss auf komplett elektronisches Gebiet. Dies ist der Sunset Strip spät ...
Silas Blak is a unique force in Seattle's hip-hop scene, spitting complex bars about subjects that rappers seldom approach, let alone attack head-on. Known for his work in formative Pacific Northwest ...
Khaela Marichi ist THE BLOW, auch bekannt als GET THE HELL OUT OF THE VOLCANO, und als Mitglied der DUB NARCOTIC Studio Gang. Sie beherrscht viele Künste in den verschiedenen Zelten, Festungen und ...
Die immer wieder gestellte Frage über CHAIN AND THE GANG. Wer sind CHAIN AND THE GANG? Hinter der Band verbergen sich die Sänger Ian Svenonius, Katie Alice Greer und andere Musiker, darunter Brett ...
The discussion of starting a band that would later be called Christmas started in a Polish dive bar. Their _rst single for K, "Namiot" [DBN118] would be the next big pop hit - if people only knew ...
Vielleicht bist du bereits Zeuge davon geworden, welche Bühnenpräsenz MALAIKAT DAN SINGA von ARRINGTON DE DIONYSO sein Eigen nennt; wie er wie Osterglocken im Frühjahr durch die Erde stößt oder du ...
Vielleicht bist du bereits Zeuge davon geworden, welche Bühnenpräsenz MALAIKAT DAN SINGA von ARRINGTON DE DIONYSO sein Eigen nennt; wie er wie Osterglocken im Frühjahr durch die Erde stößt oder du ...
Vinyl-only instrumental and dub raw. You may need a special tool to carve a deeper groove in your turntable or jukebox in order to play this rhythm method by Dub Narcotic Sound System. Makes your ...
"Shomer Salaam" von EPRHYME ist ein kreativer Vorschlag zur Lösung des Konflikts. Es war die Religion, die uns dieses Schlamassel beschert hat. Das Militär ist machtlos. Handelssanktionen machen das ...
Schon durch ihre Arbeit mit LAKE konnte sich sie einen festen Platz im Herzen vieler Musikliebhaber erringen, aber nun hat ASHLEY ERIKSSON hat einen Status erreicht, von dem die meisten Künstler nur ...
Everything Around You is a co-release presented by K and Perennial.The second LP from Feeling Figures was in fact recorded before their first. Amongst the stuttered starts and stops of the pandemic, ...
For years Feeling Figures have tinkered away at the edge of the Montreal scene, never fitting neatly into the ebb and flow of the city's cultural trends or its more traditionalist camps. A ...
frog song is fish narc's fourth album, but it feels like it should be his first. While his work as a rap producer distinguished itself by referencing his background in the guitar tradition of the ...
The era of fish narc has dawned - - - cool fire and warm passion and bad af. Decades in the making, fruiting body [KLP295] is fish narc's third solo album in as many years. A high-security prism of ...
The era of fish narc has dawned - - - cool fire and warm passion and bad af. Decades in the making, fruiting body [KLP295] is fish narc's third solo album in as many years. A high-security prism of ...
For his first release on K, "In My Cave" b/w "I Know" - 7" Generifus, aka, Spencer Sult, delivers a love song to comfort and personal growth. In his own words: "These two songs are connected through ...
Ghost Bitch, like most suburban-bred "American" girls, has followed the traditional Britney Spears to Rowland S. Howard trajectory. On her 10th birthday, her wish came true when she was given an ...
Created in 2010 by vocalist/guitarist Jem Marie as a solo project, the Ghost Ease evolved into a Portland, OR-based three-piece with the addition of drummer Nsayi Matingou in 2012 and bassist ...
"In my book, one of the sharpest young intellectuals we have out there." - Dr. Michael Eric Dyson ISSKOOTSIK (Before Here Was Here) is the debut album from author, activist, attorney, and Native ...
Heaven sent with a halo bent. This is the second of three albums by The Halo Benders (Don't Tell Me Now was originally released in 1996). Doug Martsch (Built to Spill, Treepeople) joins forces with ...
Initial collaboration between Calvin Johnson of Beat Happening and Doug Martsch of Built to Spill. These recording sessions at Olympia, WA Dub Narcotic Studio took place in 1993, just prior to the ...
Initial collaboration between Calvin Johnson of Beat Happening and Doug Martsch of Built to Spill. These recording sessions at Olympia, WA Dub Narcotic Studio took place in 1993, just prior to the ...
The Rebels not in is the third album by The Halo Benders, released in 1998. The album has been remastered and will now be available as a LONG PLAYING PHONOGRAPH RECORD (LP) and CASSETTE TAPE. The ...
Hartle Road is a co-release presented by K and Perennial. Pompeii Studios, the homebrew mecca that created MAXX II Is Located in the American South, a place that, like its namesake, is burning up. ...
Winston Hytwr is a co-release presented by K and Perennial. Born in Columbus, Ohio in March 1993, Winston Hightower is a prolific home recording artist with an expansive discography that crawls ...
Als Calvin Johnson im letzten Herbst mit dem Zug von Providence nach Burlington reiste, war es klar, dass er einen Zwischenstop in Chicago machen würde, um seine Buddies Mike, Dan, Josh und Hunter ...
Das neue Album der HIVE DWELLERS ist die Essenz des Rock'n'Roll, die von der Garage aus in den Keller, von da aus ins Aufnahmestudio und dann zurück in die Wildnis geschickt wurde. Calvin Johnston ...
The Hive Dwellers are a small grouping of Pacific Northwest natives, led by the large sound of one Calvin Johnson. On their latest musical effort, [DBN126] - "Lynch the Swan" b/w Selector Dub ...
Auf ihrem zweiten Album zeigen die HIVE DWELLERS einen leisen, heranschwellenden Ausdruck der Sorge oder des Leidens. ,Moanin ist eine Sammlung von Field Recordings aus dem Dub Narcotic Studio. Das ...
Sun Q is an album by electronica artist IQU, originally released by Sonic Boom Recordings in 2004. With the playful side of electronica music intact, K.O.'s virtuoso, operatic theremin playing and ...
Der Song TEENAGE DREAM, live ein fester Bestandteil im IQU-Repertoire, erfährt hier von 7 Künstlern die gebührende elektronische Würdigung des Remixes: Out-Of-Bedroom Beat seitens Looper (Stuart ...
Das neue Calvin Johnson-Album ,A Wonderful Beast" ist ein klangliches Experimentierfeld. Mit der Theorie " Rock'n'roll Will Never Die " als Ausgangspunkt betrat Calvin das Audio Eagle Studio in ...
Das neue Calvin Johnson-Album ,A Wonderful Beast" ist ein klangliches Experimentierfeld. Mit der Theorie " Rock'n'roll Will Never Die " als Ausgangspunkt betrat Calvin das Audio Eagle Studio in ...
Rock'n'roll is dead. Gallows Wine [KLP287] is a wake for it's charred remains. Calvin Johnson traveled to Columbus, Mississippi to record Gallows Wine with the combo Hartle Road at their Pompeii ...
Rock'n'roll is dead. Gallows Wine [KLP287] is a wake for it's charred remains. Calvin Johnson traveled to Columbus, Mississippi to record Gallows Wine with the combo Hartle Road at their Pompeii ...
The first solo album by Calvin Johnson originally released in 2002, remastered and repressed with sparkling new cover art. What Was Me collects ten bits of lifeness and spreads them thickly with ...
The second album LAKE recorded for K, Let's Build a Roof [KLP213], included a song by drummer/multi-instrumentalist Lindsay Schief many consider one of its highlights, "Gravel". When the band ...
LAKE's neues Album "Let's Build A Roof" [KLP213] wurde von Nordwest Legende KARL BLAU produziert und ist süß, funky und nostalgisch - ein Inbegriff psychedelischen Pops. Das Vorgänger Album "Oh, The ...
LAKE's 2009 album Let's Build A Roof [KLP213], produced by Northwest legend Karl Blau, is sweet, funky and nostalgic - a paragon of psychedelic pop. Originally, this landmark album had overlooked ...
"Tickets To Real Imaginary Places" wurde in Wohnungen und Hotels in Olympia, Washington, aufgenommen und nimmt euch mit auf eine Reise durch nordamerikanische Landschaften. "Tickets To Real Imaginary ...
MAHJONGG sind rein stilistisch nicht zu definieren und ohne Grenzen. Von ihrer allerersten EP an bis zu "K's Kontab", das im Frühjahr dieses Jahres herauskam, haben MAHJONGG immer wieder gern mit ...
"What's Up Rockers". Like the Big Bopper singing on "Pleasant Dreams". Twompsax's Big Beat keeper has a Little Heart. But that Heart keeps pumping. Pure love for real rock n roll. Made to incinerate ...
Understanding, Mirah's 6th full length solo record, is a conscientious return to her early unconventional recording process - an embrace of spirited imperfection and rawness inclusive of rough first ...
Featuring Tobi Vail (Bikini Kill, Frumpies, Spider and the Webs and The Real Distractions) as well as scene stalwarts James Maeda, Olivia Ness (C.O.C.O.) and vocalist Sara Peté. Recorded live on a ...
Tremolo Babylon / Reverb soaked 4th generation calamity days / Now that every day is truly like Sunday / Feedback as language / Flip your Bass Drum on its head / "Fail at anything long enough and ...
This recording features Hayes Waring, Lillian Maring, Dave Harvey and D.A. Terence. Two lovers entwined in grief, having a party. It's a cool party, There's streamers there Michel Gaubert is there ...
In Portland, OR, in 1978, a radical form of artistic expression some refer to as "punk" or "new wave" was beginning to take shape, and at the heart of this legendary movement was the powerful ...
Gatefold Jacket! In Portland, OR, in 1978, a radical form of artistic expression some refer to as "punk" or "new wave" was beginning to take shape, and at the heart of this legendary movement was the ...
Die Kinder der apokalyptischen Hysterie melden sich zurück! La Sirena De Pecera ist ein multi-linguales 8-Track Mini-Album, inklusive drei Songs von dem 99'er Album Uterus And Fire, welche von der ...
Musicking is Old Time Relijun's tenth studio album. The record pounces fierce with the protest anthem "Break Through". Arrington De Dionyso's voice has gained some grit and even more gravitas. Like ...
Musicking is Old Time Relijun's tenth studio album.The record pounces fierce with the protest anthem "Break Through". Arrington De Dionyso's voice has gained some grit and even more gravitas. Like an ...
Old Time Relijun is an unearthly combo from Olympia, Washington. We don't throw words like "genius", "brilliant" or "legendary" around lightly. Nor do we use them to describe Old Time Relijun (though ...
Lasst uns die Hysterie rund um's Millenium mit Hilfe der tobenden OLD TIM RELIJUN und ihrem Dokument der Verdammnis "Uterus And Fire" feiern. Auf dieser Platte trifft konfuser Garage-Dub auf ...
Die neue Veröffentlichung der PINE HILL HAINTS hat sich ihren Namen von der Ghost Dance Bewegung des späten 19. Jahrhunderts der amerikanischen Ureinwohner geliehen. Auf eine Art starb die Bewegung ...
The Magik Sounds of the Pine Hill Haints (KLP254), ventures softly into the cool, dark whisper of the haunted south. Short, tight spun rhymes about silver quarters and vampires come from a late ...
Die Depression, die unter dem grünen Stern des Kapitalismus blüht, hat viele seltsame Dinge zu Tage gebracht. Eines dieser Dinge stammt aus der Wildnis von Alabama, setzt sich aus verdrehten Musikern ...
An Indie-pop daydream desperate melody with true love's aim. A voice subtle in its delivery and powerful in its affect. Hooks, lyrics, melody, tears. A teen tragedy - everyone's getting older, hearts ...
Ribbon Stage "My Favorite Shrine" this is international pop underground CXLV. The best love songs aren't really about a romance. Dolly mixing candied pleasure, fuzzed pressure and a little pain jump ...
Selector Dub Narcotic splinters the party into fun-sized fragments of dance acrobatics with "Bounce It out (Bounce It on out)" - the bubblegum stuck to the bottom of a trap house table-top. The ...
Geniusz, Minor Talent, Generational Talent. Let the old folks fight it out. Sharp Pins are too busy staying up late watching vampire movies. Fathers and Children of the Revolution. Finally ...
Drei Mixe von "Comrade" auf der A-Seite, 4 andere Tracks auf der Flipside - dies ist der Beginn der aufstrebenden North-Western Trip/Hip Hop Bewegung, serviert von K Records. Unterstützt durch die ...
Monday, In a Small Dull Town, Familiarity breeds contempt. And everything in a small town is familiar The Smashing Times spend the day listening to the radio. Billy Liar plays guitar. Rowan Morrison ...
"Mrs. Ladyships and the Cleanerhouse Boys" are your new favorite MOD heart throbs. Is there REALLY a new Merseybeat Revolution? How many times can you really REALLY watch The Blow-Up alone in your ...
"I know where Dan Treacy Lives" - And so do you if you live in Baltimore. You may try to look them up neé Barrett, neé Clark But just ask the Postman, they reside under the name The Smashing Times. ...
Smoke M2D6's boundary-pushing musical production and Jedi-like audio engineering have earned him wide and enthusiastic artistic acclaim, as well as a host of awards. As an MC, Smoke M2D6 has toured ...
Listening to The Softies has always felt like peeking into a diary, with no personal detail spared. Lyrically the band documents a lovelorn heart in every manifestation, and hope is the bright silver ...
"It's Love" war das erste von drei Alben von The Softies zwischen 1995 und 2000. Herzschmerz, Sehnsucht und ultimative Finesse wird zu Ultra-Pop, dem man sich nicht entziehen kann. Rose Melberg ...
On their second album, Winter Pageant, The Softies move forward with focused delight. It's the combination of Jen Sbragia (All Girl Summer Fun Band) and Rose Melberg (Tiger Trap, Gaze, Go Sailor) ...
Inspiriert von Bollywood, einer Reise nach Marokko und SERGE GAINSBOURG - "World Garage", das zweite Album von ANGELO SPENCER, bringt eine ganze Wagenladung neuer Instrumente und eine exotische ...
"L'Argent" [IPU131] is the second collaboration between Angelo Spencer et L'Orchidee d'Hawai resulting in a 45 rpm double-sider for the International Pop Underground series of 7" records. Although ...
Die Faust, die einen Beutel mit Wolfszähnen umfasst, stellt noch immer einen Schutz da. Jeder dieser Zähne ist ein Song auf der vierten EP von TENDER FOREVER. Zeit mit der Magie von "Where Are We ...
Nach dem Ende von MARINE RESEARCH kommt hier die neue Arbeit von Amelia Fletcher TENDER TRAP. Von ihren MARINE RESEARCH Kollegen Rob Pursey und DJ Downfall unterstützt, ist dies ihr viertes Projekt ...
Better to light a match. Than fear the dark. Burning the negative Softly. Lye in your wounds and allow spiritual drifting. How do you pronounce Nietzsche? What is the Mise En Scene of two Olympia ...
Treepeople were a band of their time, the late '80s and early '90s, and their place, Boise, ID and Seattle, WA, who created punk music that lives on into a future they never imagined. The members of ...
ALL YOUR FRIEND'S FRIENDS [KLP255] is a seminal Northwest Hip-Hop compilation album produced entirely off of samples pulled from the K catalogue. Featuring over 30 of the most unique MCs from the ...
www.myspace.com/westernhymn Born in a cold, dark basement in 2009, Western Hymn is the uncouth union of two Olympia thoroughbreds: The Old Haunts and Bangs. A classic three-piece jammer, shaking ...
FROM THE DEPTHS OF DUB COMES THE CULTURE CLASH CLASSIC STEPPER, Adam Forkner, with his latest piece of hot wax [DBN125] White Rainbow - "The Making of Thriller" b/w Selector Dub Narcotic - "The ...
Kendl Winter is constantly on tour, so it's amazing that she somehow found the time to record her new 7" At the Same Time [DBN121;] But we're so glad she did! During a weekend stop-over in her ...
Young Pioneers - Dusting off their spurs, poised to release their long awaited debus LP, High Again on K. Veterans of the NW underground, Young Pioneers formed in Olympia's nascent punk scene during ...
YUME BITSU waren schon immer eine Band, die sich schlecht auf auf den Punkt zu umschreiben waren. Von himmlischen Landschaften, von bewegend trällerenden Gitarren, astralen Keyboard-Sounds, ...