Digipack 2 volets + pantone Gold + 16 pages booklet Reissue of Library Music classic from the late 70s. Dominiqe André started his musical career playing in brass bands during his time as a student ...
Print on gold paper + printed under sleeve with Gold pantone + Download code. Reissue of Library Music classic from the late 70s. Dominiqe André started his musical career playing in brass bands ...
On his Soloalbum the former member of Polar Strong, Hoodlum and Cranes Angels and most known as member of J.C. Satàn stays true to his preferred sound of garage rock and pop. But this time, there is ...
On his Soloalbum the former member of Polar Strong, Hoodlum and Cranes Angels and most known as member of J.C. Satàn stays true to his preferred sound of garage rock and pop. But this time, there is ...
Erstaunlich aktuell klingende Zusammenstellung von zwischen 1975 und 1982 entstandenen Songs des 2001 verstorbenen Multiinstrumentalisten aus Kamerun. Francis Bebey nannte man "Renaissance Man", er ...
Ein Klassiker und Dauerseller des Born Bad Records-Kataloges! Hier kombiniert Bebey afrikanische Polyrhythmen mit dem Klang der Sanza (Kalimba), einer Art Daumenpiano. Psychedelische, hypnotische ...
Ein Klassiker und Dauerseller des Born Bad Records-Kataloges! Hier kombiniert Bebey afrikanische Polyrhythmen mit dem Klang der Sanza (Kalimba), einer Art Daumenpiano. Psychedelische, hypnotische ...
A record : what is it good for ? Remembering the gig. Convincing a significant other to come. Helping musicians ruin their health preserving our own. Most of all : a record is a great companion to a ...
A record : what is it good for ? Remembering the gig. Convincing a significant other to come. Helping musicians ruin their health preserving our own. Most of all : a record is a great companion to a ...
Die Franzosen Bryan's Magic Tears sind jetzt bester Shoegaze/Baggy/Madchester! Sommer der Liebe: den ersten haben sie nicht miterlebt, den zweiten haben sie studiert und den nächsten verplanen sie ...
Die Franzosen Bryan's Magic Tears sind jetzt bester Shoegaze/Baggy/Madchester! Sommer der Liebe: den ersten haben sie nicht miterlebt, den zweiten haben sie studiert und den nächsten verplanen sie ...
French shoegazers Bryan's Magic Tears are back again: `Vaacum Sealed' see the light of day October 15th via Born Bad Records. The LP opens with a screaming introduction (Greeting From The Space Boys, ...
French shoegazers Bryan's Magic Tears are back again: `Vaacum Sealed' see the light of day October 15th via Born Bad Records. The LP opens with a screaming introduction (Greeting From The Space Boys, ...
"...for the first time, achieve the non-blend between Nouvelle Vague and Caribbean music." We'll have to look into the matter seriously one day. Publish an anthropo-ethno-socio-musicological study, ...
"...for the first time, achieve the non-blend between Nouvelle Vague and Caribbean music." We'll have to look into the matter seriously one day. Publish an anthropo-ethno-socio-musicological study, ...
Still unknown in rock territory, French band Cannibale gets its name from its «kind of exotic garage» music whose humid tropical groove is slowly eating up all the stereotypes about Born Bad ...
Still unknown in rock territory, French band Cannibale gets its name from its «kind of exotic garage» music whose humid tropical groove is slowly eating up all the stereotypes about Born Bad ...
If Cannibale's members brought their breakfast back up when talking about 'Not Easy To Cook', their listeners would be surprised. There's a world of difference between the beginning of Cannibale's ...
If Cannibale's members brought their breakfast back up when talking about 'Not Easy To Cook', their listeners would be surprised. There's a world of difference between the beginning of Cannibale's ...
On their first four albums, most bands go by the Wagner handbook, roughly drafted according to the Ring des Nibelungen : birth, conquest, war, destruction. They usually give it all on their first ...
On their first four albums, most bands go by the Wagner handbook, roughly drafted according to the Ring des Nibelungen : birth, conquest, war, destruction. They usually give it all on their first ...
Established transatlantic ambassadors of the ""Shitgaze"" movement, CHEVEU are the defenders of a primitive electro sound, in which filthy garage punk and decrepit machines fornicate to produce a ...
In 2006, Jimmy Hunt (then a proverbial punk-troubadour usually found in bars) and Ysael Pepin (bassist for Demon's Claws) started to jam here and there in one of the rooms of an apartment located ...
In 2006, Jimmy Hunt (then a proverbial punk-troubadour usually found in bars) and Ysael Pepin (bassist for Demon's Claws) started to jam here and there in one of the rooms of an apartment located ...
French Psych-JAZZ-Soul-FUNK original soundtrack for initial soft erotic drama from 1973, later re-edited into "Sex Revolution" hardcore! "Jeu de Dames, la libération des femmes" (1973), a film by ...
Wonderwall-Groove-Experimental-Soul-Expericence - CYRIL CYRIL from Geneva does it! "Another special band name - another easy explanation: Cyril Cyril are a duo consisting of two Cyrils. Cyril ...
Wonderwall-Groove-Experimental-Soul-Expericence - CYRIL CYRIL from Geneva does it! "Another special band name - another easy explanation: Cyril Cyril are a duo consisting of two Cyrils. Cyril ...
Getting into an album by Cyril Cyril is being invited to a party where you thought you didn't know anyone, only to realize that this chap's gal is your bro's cuz, and leave with everyone's cell. ...
Getting into an album by Cyril Cyril is being invited to a party where you thought you didn't know anyone, only to realize that this chap's gal is your bro's cuz, and leave with everyone's cell. ...
Das zweite Album der französischen Unbeschreibbaren! Wer frühe LA FEMME mag, wird CYRIL CYRIL lieben. L'autoroute blanche, la piscine le dimanche, le Mont Saint Michel _ alle treten in Szene, Cyril ...
Das zweite Album der französischen Unbeschreibbaren! Wer frühe LA FEMME mag, wird CYRIL CYRIL lieben. L'autoroute blanche, la piscine le dimanche, le Mont Saint Michel _ alle treten in Szene, Cyril ...
Jean Pierre Decerf, born in Neuilly (a western suburb of Paris) in 1948, lived in Paris until 2003. From the early 70s to the mid-80s, this self-taught musician composed about twenty albums of ...
Jean Pierre Decerf, born in Neuilly (a western suburb of Paris) in 1948, lived in Paris until 2003. From the early 70s to the mid-80s, this self-taught musician composed about twenty albums of ...
Wiederveröffentlichung der ersten DYI-Aufnahmen von Stephan Eicher von GRAUZONE als er noch als Student in einer Bar jobbte. Minimal Synth Punk! Schäbige Synthies, billige Drumcomputer, klinischer ...
"Space Oddities"- Compilation of various electronic/experimental Estardy recordings (Studio Ganaro) from between 1970 and 1982. A master of the mixing board, from the late 60s until the 90s Bernard ...
"Space Oddities"-Compilation of various electronic/experimental Estardy recordings (Studio Ganaro) from between 1970 and 1982. A master of the mixing board, from the late 60s until the 90s Bernard ...
Évariste is one of the rare specimens of artist-cum-scientists. Among his kind stand others like Pierre Schaeffer, a Polytechnique graduate (an engineer but also the father of musique concrète) and ...
Évariste is one of the rare specimens of artist-cum-scientists. Among his kind stand others like Pierre Schaeffer, a Polytechnique graduate (an engineer but also the father of musique concrète) and ...
2006 eigentlich als Soloprojekt vom A.H. Kraken-Gitarristen G.Marietta in Metz ins Leben gerufen und über die Jahre zu einem Dreier-Outfit mutiert (mit Members von Crash Normal, Vingt Mill Punks). ...
2006 eigentlich als Soloprojekt vom A.H. Kraken-Gitarristen G.Marietta in Metz ins Leben gerufen und über die Jahre zu einem Dreier-Outfit mutiert (mit Members von Crash Normal, Vingt Mill Punks). ...
Die französischen Pop.-Connaisseure aus Paris, LA FEMME, veröffentlichen ihr zweites Album ,Mystère". Die Band hat die kulturelle Landschaft des modernen Paris massiv beeinflusst und ihre Musik an ...
First album of French band La Femme released in 2013 with which they won Best New Band of the year at the French Music Awards and god certified gold. It marked also the beginning of their ...
Unter den Galionsfiguren der französischen Disco hatte Bernard Fèvre, besser bekannt als Black Devil, wahrscheinlich die kürzeste Karriere, aber er war der brillanteste und einzigartigste Kopf von ...
Unter den Galionsfiguren der französischen Disco hatte Bernard Fèvre, besser bekannt als Black Devil, wahrscheinlich die kürzeste Karriere, aber er war der brillanteste und einzigartigste Kopf von ...
Self-proclaimed studio rat, Forever Pavot knows exactly how to teleport elsewhere in a few chords. In "The Idiophone", the art of storytelling takes about only three minutes to unfold. Each ...
Self-proclaimed studio rat, Forever Pavot knows exactly how to teleport elsewhere in a few chords. In "The Idiophone", the art of storytelling takes about only three minutes to unfold. Each ...
We used to know Émile Sornin as the son, the pupil, who saw fathers of his among the pioneers of baroque, progressive and psychedelic pop; who found big brothers by heart and aesthetics in Aquaserge; ...
We used to know Émile Sornin as the son, the pupil, who saw fathers of his among the pioneers of baroque, progressive and psychedelic pop; who found big brothers by heart and aesthetics in Aquaserge; ...
Vier Remixe von einem der Hits des aktuellen "Uncivilized"-Albums, gemacht von Kap Bambino, Rebotini, Blackmail und Dick Voodoo - einigen der angesagtesten Elektro-Acts aus Frankreich. Stilistisch ...
Das Album von aus dem Jahr 2016. Frustration gaben die Tattoos und den brillanten Rock auf, um etwas anderes zu versuchen: etwas an der Kreuzung von Punk und Cold Wave, von Métal Urbain, Killing Joke ...
Das Album von aus dem Jahr 2016. Frustration gaben die Tattoos und den brillanten Rock auf, um etwas anderes zu versuchen: etwas an der Kreuzung von Punk und Cold Wave, von Métal Urbain, Killing Joke ...
Frustration sind zurück und schon nach den ersten Takten wissen wir, wo es hin geht. Und obwohl wir uns genau das wünschen, wird wieder ein anderer Weg als zuvor gewählt, angetrieben von einem ...
Frustration sind zurück und schon nach den ersten Takten wissen wir, wo es hin geht. Und obwohl wir uns genau das wünschen, wird wieder ein anderer Weg als zuvor gewählt, angetrieben von einem ...
Das 2019er Album der französischen Postpunk/New Wave/Independent-Band FRUSTRATION, mit dabei Jason Williamson von Sleaford Mods! In dieser Phase der FRUSTRATION-Meisterschaft hätte sich die Band ...
Das 2019er Album der französischen Postpunk/New Wave/Independent-Band FRUSTRATION, mit dabei Jason Williamson von Sleaford Mods! In dieser Phase der FRUSTRATION-Meisterschaft hätte sich die Band ...
Ok, das ist ganz einfach: 2013 wird sich die zweite LP von Frustrations als eine der wichtigsten französischen Platten der letzten 5 bis 10 Jahre erweisen. Erstens, weil Uncivilized besser ist als ...
Four years after the inenarrable "Cerf, Biche et Faon", Julien Gasc ( Aquaserge, Stereolab) deliver us "Kiss me, you fool!" leads us far far away, into swarms of sound and sentimental, twisted tales, ...
Four years after the inenarrable "Cerf, Biche et Faon", Julien Gasc ( Aquaserge, Stereolab) deliver us "Kiss me, you fool!" leads us far far away, into swarms of sound and sentimental, twisted tales, ...
Confession, fiction, and observation. This is how the trajectory drawn by Julien Gasc seems to evolve from one album to the next. While Cerf, Biche et Faon took the form of a diary and Kiss Me, You ...
Confession, fiction, and observation. This is how the trajectory drawn by Julien Gasc seems to evolve from one album to the next. While Cerf, Biche et Faon took the form of a diary and Kiss Me, You ...
The random-access memory of an hourglass. On the one hand, there's Cheveu, the French three-member band, whose soundtrack has never ceased to question music codes by exceeding various genres and ...
The random-access memory of an hourglass. On the one hand, there's Cheveu, the French three-member band, whose soundtrack has never ceased to question music codes by exceeding various genres and ...
Gwendoline ist ein (ehemaliges) Underdog-Duo der Indie-Szene in Frankreich. Micka und Pierre, sensible Verlierer und große Blasierte der Start-up-Generation, erschaffen ihre ganz besondere Art des ...
Gwendoline werden nicht gern in Schubladen gesteckt. Wir tun es dennoch: Nu Wave with wit, Synthwave with edge, Postpunk with Pop. Als wenn Benjamin Biolay Molchat Doma vorstehen würde, ,I'm Not In ...
Gwendoline werden nicht gern in Schubladen gesteckt. Wir tun es dennoch: Nu Wave with wit, Synthwave with edge, Postpunk with Pop. Als wenn Benjamin Biolay Molchat Doma vorstehen würde, ,I'm Not In ...
Homo-A-Go Go! Garage Punk Rock trifft auf süßen Bubblegum-Girl-Pop - Hunx & His Punx schmeißen eine homoerotische Pool-Party mit The Ronettes, den Ramones und John Waters, während Freddie Mercury ...
You can count on the fingers of one hand the bands you've loved up until their fifth album like J.C. Satàn -- almost ten years after falling in love. There are dudes who have "seen them too much", ...
You can count on the fingers of one hand the bands you've loved up until their fifth album like J.C. Satàn -- almost ten years after falling in love. There are dudes who have "seen them too much", ...
Brutal and complex, furious and spirit-evoking, spiking and descending, French band JC Satan's self-titled fourth album nails black-garage-gospel with the hammer of the Viking gods, in the midst of a ...
Brutal and complex, furious and spirit-evoking, spiking and descending, French band JC Satan's self-titled fourth album nails black-garage-gospel with the hammer of the Viking gods, in the midst of a ...
Influenced by the psychedelism of Pink Floyd's Syd Barrett, the heritage of the Velvet Underground and the songwrting of Lee Hazlewood, Jack Of Heart transcends these influences into twisted and ...
The three-headed musical creature La Chatte was born in 2003 in Paris, formed by Vava Dudu, a pluridisciplinary artist, Stéphane Argillet aka Stereovoid, visual and sound artist member of the ...
After the release of last year's FERAROCK most played "When Will The Flies In Deauville Drop" , Le Villejuif Underground decided to do absolutely nothing for a year, and took an early retirement. A ...
A bass player looking like the main character of a surf movie shot in Chernobyl. A guitar player who'll take french rap or thaï music over the Stooges, anytime. A keyboard player invited at reharsal ...
A bass player looking like the main character of a surf movie shot in Chernobyl. A guitar player who'll take french rap or thaï music over the Stooges, anytime. A keyboard player invited at reharsal ...
An ultimate testimony to adolescent rage and the spirit of rock'n'roll, these eight songs by The BLOUSONS NOIRS (Black Jackets) are essential to understanding what rock music is and what it should ...
An ultimate testimony to adolescent rage and the spirit of rock'n'roll, these eight songs by The BLOUSONS NOIRS (Black Jackets) are essential to understanding what rock music is and what it should ...
THE FIRST FRENCH ALL GIRLS ROCK BAND!?! Digipak including 36-page booklel, linernotes French & English! "I perfectly remember the day I first heard the catchy single Toutes les nuits on Europe 1, in ...
THE FIRST FRENCH ALL GIRLS ROCK BAND!?! Classic black vinyl including 8-page booklet, linernotes French & English. "I perfectly remember the day I first heard the catchy single Toutes les nuits on ...
In early 1967, Bruno was attending medical school in Paris. Driving back to the university with a friend, Bruno sang along nonchalantly with the songs on the radio. His friend was surprised to ...
In the beginning, Lonely Walk was a post-apocalyptic and personal digression created by Mickael Appollinaire, AKA Monsieur Crane, being also a dark preacher in the band Strasbourg. The record label ...
In the beginning, Lonely Walk was a post-apocalyptic and personal digression created by Mickael Appollinaire, AKA Monsieur Crane, being also a dark preacher in the band Strasbourg. The record label ...
Discordant guitar, tortured fuzz, ageing drums, for wild and primitive rock'n roll ecstasy. The formula remains the same and even if you admit that listening to MAGNETIX's previous album was a bit ...
In the ever-expanding universe of 70s and 80s French library music, Sauveur Mallia holds a special place; his career, multifaceted work and the uniqueness of his talent have made him an exemplary ...
In the ever-expanding universe of 70s and 80s French library music, Sauveur Mallia holds a special place; his career, multifaceted work and the uniqueness of his talent have made him an exemplary ...
Sophomore album by Marietta, La Passagère follows Basement Dreams Are The Bedroom Cream (Born Bad Records, 2015), which was lauded by French daily newspaper Liberation, magazines Les Inrockuptibles, ...
In 20 or 30 years, we'll talk about Guillaume Marietta the same way we talk about Arthur Russell or Robert Johnson today - people ignored by their contemporaries and rediscovered later in prestigious ...
In 20 or 30 years, we'll talk about Guillaume Marietta the same way we talk about Arthur Russell or Robert Johnson today - people ignored by their contemporaries and rediscovered later in prestigious ...
As soon as Martin Circus was born in 1969, the band laid foundations for the French "Pop Musique" genre, deliberately turning its back on both French yéyés and rock'n'roll to better embrace ...
As soon as Martin Circus was born in 1969, the band laid foundations for the French "Pop Musique" genre, deliberately turning its back on both French yéyés and rock'n'roll to better embrace ...
The first compilation of tracks by the Algerian vocalist Mohamed Mazouni, who attracted people in Algeria as well as in France. He sings popular tunes in classical or dialectal Arabic as much as in ...
The first compilation of tracks by the Algerian vocalist Mohamed Mazouni, who has been popular in Algeria as well as in France. He sings popular tunes in classical or dialectal Arabic as much as in ...
Die Geschichte zu dieser Platte ist absurd und deswegen will ich sie auch nicht zu lange ausweiten, Schaut nach im Netz und ihr werdet erstaunt sein. Nur soviel das Acetat zu dieser Platte wurde 2010 ...
Die Geschichte zu dieser Platte ist absurd und deswegen will ich sie auch nicht zu lange ausweiten, Schaut nach im Netz und ihr werdet erstaunt sein. Nur soviel das Acetat zu dieser Platte wurde 2010 ...
Die Geschichte zu dieser Platte ist absurd und deswegen will ich sie auch nicht zu lange ausweiten, Schaut nach im Netz und ihr werdet erstaunt sein. Nur soviel das Acetat zu dieser Platte wurde 2010 ...
Music on Hold deliver an LP with strictly "only the hits" in updated graphics and soundbite studio wizardry. It's the shinning neon-colour video game classic you never played in your youth in the ...
Music on Hold deliver an LP with strictly "only the hits" in updated graphics and soundbite studio wizardry. It's the shinning neon-colour video game classic you never played in your youth in the ...
Music On Hold's second album raises to its climax an altogether well-cultivated ambiguity between new ambitions and the waiting posture of a band which has never lived up to its name so well. ...
Music On Hold's second album raises to its climax an altogether well-cultivated ambiguity between new ambitions and the waiting posture of a band which has never lived up to its name so well. ...
Recording the most luminous and conquering music there is, in order to conjure up melancholic depths. This could be the definition of the pop music made during the golden age, during which the The ...
Recording the most luminous and conquering music there is, in order to conjure up melancholic depths. This could be the definition of the pop music made during the golden age, during which the The ...
So what's the purpose of pop music in 2014? It fills our head with silly things, It makes us better. Sometimes, it invents a little. Sometimes, it steals away from the past; sometimes it makes ...
So what's the purpose of pop music in 2014? It fills our head with silly things, It makes us better. Sometimes, it invents a little. Sometimes, it steals away from the past; sometimes it makes ...
Body search this record and you'll find chemical faves of the last forty years. Paul Ramon is doing 20 on the highway ("Hacienda", downhill dub with over-the-top bass), and 60 in the city ("Les ...
Body search the record and you'll find chemical faves of the last forty years. Paul Ramon is doing 20 on the highway ("Hacienda", downhill dub with over-the-top bass), and 60 in the city ("Les ...
This first album is a kind of best-of from 2015 to 2018, the songs that held up best, the ones I had lyrics on, the best finished drafts, basically. I owe its existence to my friends at the Megattera ...
This first album is a kind of best-of from 2015 to 2018, the songs that held up best, the ones I had lyrics on, the best finished drafts, basically. I owe its existence to my friends at the Megattera ...
**Puberty is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads.*** Puberty (the band, the lifestyle, the etc.) though, belongs entirely to Susanna Welbourneand Lars Finberg. The band was ...
**Puberty is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads.*** Puberty (the band, the lifestyle, the etc.) though, belongs entirely to Susanna Welbourneand Lars Finberg. The band was ...
Regal is probably the only french garage band whose members met on World of Warcraft. Very quickly confronted to their own limits of skill on banjo, Xavier (drummer from "The Last Rapes" and "Le ...
Regal is probably the only french garage band whose members met on World of Warcraft. Very quickly confronted to their own limits of skill on banjo, Xavier (drummer from "The Last Rapes" and "Le ...
Stoned Psychedelia! Garage punk under Acid influence. Official Reissue of one of the WEIRDEST records ever released in FRANCE in the early 70's. Fantastic sci-fi spaced out psych with astonishing ...
A holy grail of French classic new wave! Thierry Müller, who initiated the French RUTH project, is not at his first try when the album POLAROID/ROMAN/PHOTO including the eponymous title track is ...
A holy grail of French classic new wave! Thierry Müller, who initiated the French RUTH project, is not at his first try when the album POLAROID/ROMAN/PHOTO including the eponymous title track is ...
For many decades until quite recently, little was known about music from Burkina Faso (which was formerly known as the Upper Volta). It is still one of the lesser known forms of popular music from ...
For many decades until quite recently, little was known about music from Burkina Faso (which was formerly known as the Upper Volta). It is still one of the lesser known forms of popular music from ...
Aus einer abgelegenen Region im Nordwesten von Benin kommt die siebenköpfige Star Feminine Band, eine Gruppe junger Mädchen im Alter zwischen neun und fünfzehn Jahren, die frech, unbeschwert und ...
Aus einer abgelegenen Region im Nordwesten von Benin kommt die siebenköpfige Star Feminine Band, eine Gruppe junger Mädchen im Alter zwischen neun und fünfzehn Jahren, die frech, unbeschwert und ...
Star Feminine Band: a 2020 debut, first journey and a 2022 return! Though not exactly a world music label, Born Bad took up the challenge and released Star Féminine Band's debut album in late 2020. ...
Star Feminine Band: a 2020 debut, first journey and a 2022 return! Though not exactly a world music label, Born Bad took up the challenge and released Star Féminine Band's debut album in late 2020. ...
During the 60s and 70s, three distinguished old gentlemen who had built their careers playing "made in France" exotic jazz - Roger Roger, Nino Nardini and Eddie Warner - met every evening in the ...
During the 60s and 70s, three distinguished old gentlemen who had built their careers playing "made in France" exotic jazz - Roger Roger, Nino Nardini and Eddie Warner - met every evening in the ...
Auf den Platz, anschauen und zuhören! Einen Film von Tati zu sehen, ist eine überraschende Erfahrung; in seinen Filmen sprechen Töne und Musik mehr als Worte und überholen den konventionellen Diskurs ...
Die gesammelten Soundtracks der sechs Langfilme von Tati! Auf den Platz, anschauen und zuhören! Einen Film von Tati zu sehen, ist eine überraschende Erfahrung; in seinen Filmen sprechen Töne und ...
For a long time, the music of Congo-born Bony Bikaye had to be sought in the purgatory of "world music", where diamonds in the rough cohabited with bland nightmares of white dudes who froze rumba ...
For a long time, the music of Congo-born Bony Bikaye had to be sought in the purgatory of "world music", where diamonds in the rough cohabited with bland nightmares of white dudes who froze rumba ...
As soon as the pilots of the Space Oddities endeavour decided to tackle Yan Tregger's oeuvre, a major problem surfaced: where to begin? And where to end? Upon which side should one launch into the ...
As soon as the pilots of the Space Oddities endeavour decided to tackle Yan Tregger's oeuvre, a major problem surfaced: where to begin? And where to end? Upon which side should one launch into the ...
While some are still milking the garage rock for all its cool like it will never dry out, the sleaziest alley cats are gone drinking somewhere else. Sitting on a cinderblock in the darkness of a cave ...
While some are still milking the garage rock for all its cool like it will never dry out, the sleaziest alley cats are gone drinking somewhere else. Sitting on a cinderblock in the darkness of a cave ...
It's always kind of the same: the guy gets on stage - provided that there is one - looking like a lanky jackal, with a sweater or two on, and without notice he starts hitting on a jumble of cymbals ...
Before becoming an international musical phenomenon, raï was first and foremost the expression of a social behaviour, of a way of being. It bothers, excites, seduces, but leaves no one indifferent! ...
The West Indies - a sweet coastline subject to many clichés from another time. These songs tell, in veiled terms, a different reality from what mainlanders were fed with. Biguine is a rhythmic style ...
The West Indies - a sweet coastline subject to many clichés from another time. These songs tell, in veiled terms, a different reality from what mainlanders were fed with. Biguine is a rhythmic style ...
Den ersten, echten, großen Schwindel des Rock'n'Rolls findet man nicht bei den Sex Pistols, und damit ist Mac Laren und seinem Film ,The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle gemeint, sondern in Belgien, oder ...
Mit dem BIPPP Sampler bringt uns das in Frankreich ansässige Label Born Bad ein Stück französischer 80s Untergrundmusikgeschichte für das manche Leute töten würden wenn sie die Originalaufnahmen in ...
In 1963, David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia won seven Oscars. Launching its actors to stardom, including Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif who played Prince Ali Ibn Kharish at the age of thirty. The latter ...
In 1963, David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia won seven Oscars. Launching its actors to stardom, including Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif who played Prince Ali Ibn Kharish at the age of thirty. The latter ...
CHEVANCE (etc.) Another Music for Children / 1974-1985 In the land of Presidents Giscard and Mitterand, thermal clothing and elbow pads, Sautet films and Sunday roasts, the carpeting of a nursery is ...
CHEVANCE (etc.) Another Music for Children / 1974-1985 In the land of Presidents Giscard and Mitterand, thermal clothing and elbow pads, Sautet films and Sunday roasts, the carpeting of a nursery is ...
Over the year 1966, a new pulse spreads like wildfire on the sidewalks of New Yorks Spanish Harlem. "This is boogaloo", you could hear. Like no music genre ever before, it brought together African ...
Over the year 1966, a new pulse spreads like wildfire on the sidewalks of New Yorks Spanish Harlem. "This is boogaloo", you could hear. Like no music genre ever before, it brought together African ...
"I can't enough of this compilation. It is SOOOO good. This period of 90's French pop/dance needs to be explored more. Highly recommended." :) 1. Marie Touchet - Collège infernal (House Paradise ...
"I can't enough of this compilation. It is SOOOO good. This period of 90's French pop/dance needs to be explored more. Highly recommended." :) 1. Marie Touchet - Collège infernal (House Paradise ...
Obskur, aber grandios - hier ist eine Zusammenstellung von Privatpressungen aus Frankreich 1973-1991. Georges Batard, der 1967 den Kiosque d'Orphee übernahm. Er war Tontechniker und benutzte den ...
1968. France, Incorporated. The entire building was being consumed by flames and was slowly collapsing. Nothing would survive. Out of the rubble of the old world jumped the children of Marx and ...
1968. France, Incorporated. The entire building was being consumed by flames and was slowly collapsing. Nothing would survive. Out of the rubble of the old world jumped the children of Marx and ...
A tax haven and dream destination for wealthy travelers, the Republic of Mauritius is a multi-ethnic country that is currently experiencing full economic and social ascension. Banking, textile, tech, ...
France, early sixties: the Mouvement de l'École moderne is in full bloom. Relying on the experiments and writings of its founder, the educationist Célestin Freinet, this consortium of teachers is ...
First comp about Fifties rock and roll in France. Think Boris Vian, degenerate swing, weird arrangement (accordeon, xylophone, etc), crazy french lyrics.... ...
Careful, "Let's not get angry" suggests Spartaco Sax, the famed song accompanying French daily paper FRANCE-SOIR's campaign against road violence: music isn't that serious, often times really not. In ...
Careful, "Let's not get angry" suggests Spartaco Sax, the famed song accompanying French daily paper FRANCE-SOIR's campaign against road violence: music isn't that serious, often times really not. In ...
The lengendary first Born Bad WIZZZ-sampler, best ever french 60's compilation...available again. WIZZZ is a serie dedicated to obscur 60's - early 70's french pop! ...
The lengendary first Born Bad WIZZZ-sampler, best ever french 60's compilation...available again. WIZZZ is a serie dedicated to obscur 60's - early 70's french pop! ...
Since the success of the first volume in 2002, WIZZZ has been considered the benchmark compilation of French sixties alternative pop. It launched an unprecedented craze for this rare breed of disc, ...
One, two, three_ hold your breath during the next forty minutes for a peregrination through a special kind of pop music "made in France," a mix of ribaldry, flashes of brilliance and adventurous ...
"Voyage", to Pierre Vassiliu, was not only the title of an album of his, but also a philosophy of life. Travels were not for vacation or rest. They were synonyms of meetings, new music and sometimes, ...
"Voyage", to Pierre Vassiliu, was not only the title of an album of his, but also a philosophy of life. Travels were not for vacation or rest. They were synonyms of meetings, new music and sometimes, ...
"Qui c'est celui-là?" Many French asked themselves this question ("Who's that guy?") when the song bearing this title began to smash the hit parade in 1975. Some others already had parts of the ...
"Qui c'est celui-là?" Many French asked themselves this question ("Who's that guy?") when the song bearing this title began to smash the hit parade in 1975. Some others already had parts of the ...
Last copies! Unnisued soundtrack of "Ils", movie by Jean-Daniel Simon and music by Pierre Vassiliu. Originally edited/released forDisquaire Day 2016 ...
Back in the day, when he was the drummer for Poni Hoax, Vincent Taeger would sing in French whatever came to his mind backstage after concerts, just for fun, to amuse his friend the late Nicolas Ker. ...
Back in the day, when he was the drummer for Poni Hoax, Vincent Taeger would sing in French whatever came to his mind backstage after concerts, just for fun, to amuse his friend the late Nicolas Ker. ...
Französischer 80's minimal / Synth Wave in der Tradition von Frustration, Cheveu, Charles de Goal etc. Klingt ziemlich unmodern und meint damit authentisch. ...
François Virot releases his first album - at least the first that is not a burnt CD-R. Presented with a yes-no question, both the public and the critics unanimously went for the first option. He was ...
François Virot releases his first album - at least the first that is not a burnt CD-R. Presented with a yes-no question, both the public and the critics unanimously went for the first option. He was ...
Lasst die Heiden und andere Grabschänder erzittern: Vox Low erhebt sich einmal mehr als Bote aus der Tiefe, bereit, die Grundfesten zu erschüttern, und trägt auf seinen Schultern die Last uralter ...
Lasst die Heiden und andere Grabschänder erzittern: Vox Low erhebt sich einmal mehr als Bote aus der Tiefe, bereit, die Grundfesten zu erschüttern, und trägt auf seinen Schultern die Last uralter ...
Nachdem VOX LOW bereits zwei Alben und eine Remix-EP bei Born Bad Records veröffentlicht haben, ist es nun an der Zeit, eine Auswahl weiterer Singles und B-Seiten neu zu veröffentlichen. Perfekt ...
This is a time for punk urgency, for depressed minimal Krautrock, for the great shamanic hypnosis. This bunch of greasers from the Porte de St Ouen area now perform as Vox Low, with Jean-Christophe ...
Das 2010 gegründete Trio gehört zu einer neuen, in den letzten Jahren aufkeimenden Post-Psychedelic Rock Scene, die sich, ähnlich wie The Men, dem Erbe von Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground & Co ...
Das 2010 gegründete Trio gehört zu einer neuen, in den letzten Jahren aufkeimenden Post-Psychedelic Rock Scene, die sich, ähnlich wie The Men, dem Erbe von Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground & Co ...
Das 2010 gegründete Trio gehört zu einer neuen, in den letzten Jahren aufkeimenden Post-Psychedelic Rock Scene, die sich, ähnlich wie The Men, dem Erbe von Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground & Co ...
The Wild Classical Music Ensemble is a Belgian experimental rock band formed in 2007 by artists with mental disability within the social-artistic non-profit organisation Wit.h in Kortrijk. Their ...
In current times, how should mental disability be dealt with in an unrestrained, open-minded way? How can we take on this difference not as a barrier but as an opportunity? By directly confronting ...
In current times, how should mental disability be dealt with in an unrestrained, open-minded way? How can we take on this difference not as a barrier but as an opportunity? By directly confronting ...
A dillusioned album for broken hearts, A heart full of sorrow is the work of Benjamin Daures, 24 years old, heir against his will of a tradition of loner, which from Ian Curtis, through Morissey, to ...
Some record crates deserve a sub-category called 'play it again, Sam'. tracks that spin on the turntables without a push. Funk Kraut, Zombie Zombie's second LP on Born Bad, is of this kind. This ...
Some record crates deserve a sub-category called 'play it again, Sam'. tracks that spin on the turntables without a push. Funk Kraut, Zombie Zombie's second LP on Born Bad, is of this kind. This ...
Neu auf Born Bad Records! Die französischen Elektro-Zauberer Zombie Zombie! Sie haben sich diesmal für eine fette, hallige und doomige Elektro-Orgie entschieden, es gibt ein paar Chöre, die an die ...
Neu auf Born Bad Records! Die französischen Elektro-Zauberer Zombie Zombie! Sie haben sich diesmal für eine fette, hallige und doomige Elektro-Orgie entschieden, es gibt ein paar Chöre, die an die ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr