Nach dem Erfolg von "Moon Deluxe" verbrachte der Rock'n'Roll Musiker ANDREW CEDERMARK das Jahr 2012 damit, neue Songs in einem klassischen Rock'n'Roll Aufnahmestudio auf Tape zu bannen. Zehn dieser ...
Flower of Love is the third album by artist, composer and musician Ian Drennan. The album will complete a trio of atypical, meditative records that Drennan has composed using partially automated ...
Free Time's new 7" for Underwater Peoples pairs the saturnine "Guess Work" with the uptempo flip "Esoteric Tizz". The double A-side presents a unique juxtaposition of form, a spaced-out pastoral take ...
King of New York by King Cyst is a 42-minute odyssey about the limits of carnal adventure in New York City. Songs weave together circuitous paths, dead-ends and social impasses; the humanism of its ...
Vibraphonist Sean McCaul is a highly accomplished New York City based musician/composer who has performed and recorded with many notable and diverse artists, such as, Philip Glass and Yo Yo Ma (Sony ...
Vibraphonist Sean McCaul is a highly accomplished New York City based musician/composer who has performed and recorded with many notable and diverse artists, such as, Philip Glass and Yo Yo Ma (Sony ...
Melted Toys self-titled debut is out on Underwater Peoples. Culminating three years after their acclaimed Washed & Dried EP first unveiled the group's distinct blend of hazy, plaintive pop and ...
EVAN ONLYs Debüt-EP ,No Matter What"ist eine durchdachte und soullastige Elektropop-Scheibe, wie sie besser nicht sein könnte. Die von ICE CHOIRs Kurt Feldman produzierte Platte ist eine Mischung aus ...
The scope of Robert Beatty's hydra-headed art practice has grown into an extreme articulation of unconfined creativity across multiple disciplines. A founding member of 2000's noise outfit Hair ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr