You've likely already listened to Stuart Bogie. He's played on records by Taylor Swift, Run the Jewels, The Hold Steady, Beth Orton, Logic, Tomberlin, and Alanis Morrisette. And that's just in the ...
The Days of Mars is the debut album from artists Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom. It was released on October 10, 2005. All the music was created by layering live takes of custom built synthesizers and ...
Fernando Pulichino's slinky, syrupy dance floor records - all of which sit in a triple frontier death zone between rock, funk, and electronic sounds - have been cycling through DFA DJ bags for years, ...
Mixed and co-produced by James Murphy at DFA Studios in Brooklyn, this release from former Orchid and Panthers singer Jayson Green marks the return of the classic DFA 12". The a-side is a tight, ...
Das Debütalbum von Light Asylum erschien 2012, zu einer Zeit, bevor Streaming wirklich relevant wurde und bevor Vinyl in großem Stil zurückkam. Es war eine seltsame Zwischen-Ära. Die limitierten ...
Liquid Liquid loom large for many - their classic run of EPs on 99 Records has gotten a second, third, and fourth life thanks to devout fans like the Beastie Boys, LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy, and ...
Like a dream foggily remembered, Loopsel's Öga For Öga is tempting in its beauty yet slightly menacing in its depth. These songs, like paths in the forest forest, are heavily, almost treacherously, ...
Mermaid Chunky. It's all in a name, sometimes. The danceable, costumed, curiosity rich duo of artists Freya Tate and Moina Moin are as imaginative as they profess. Or, to get more to the point, as we ...
James Murphy calls LCD Soundsystem drummer Pat Mahoney the best lyricist in the group, though it's in Museum Of Love - Pat's band with Dennis McNany - where he actually steps out in front. This 7" is ...
"The revelation that you didn't need formal training to start a band in 1977 and the realization that you don't need to be Merce Cunningham to dance are one and the same." - Ryan Schreiber, ...
Das Weeks Island-Projekt begann 2018, als Jonny Campos während einer Tour-Pause als Gitarrenspieler für die Grammy-prämierte Cajun-Gruppe Lost Bayou Ramblers Lust auf etwas anderes hatte. Im Haus ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr