There it is, the TCM heaviness-hat-trick! Right after Phantom Winter and Park+Riot, Leipzig's G i f t are entering the room, levelling everything in their way. With RUPTURES, the band adds their ...
With Collider the German-Australian trio evade all the pitfalls of the sophomore slump. These ten songs carry an atmosphere of restrained anger and maturity, capturing a somber narrative that ...
With Collider the German-Australian trio evade all the pitfalls of the sophomore slump. These ten songs carry an atmosphere of restrained anger and maturity, capturing a somber narrative that ...
Crystal clear vinyl, limited to 200 copies. HEBI KATANA's 3rd full album, known as "Tokyo Samurai Doom"! The classic doom riff and mellow and dark melody reminiscent of THE OBSESSED and TROUBLE have ...
Three years have passed since the last Hysterese record, and these last years brought change to the band. All grew older, some got babies and some went their different paths. So 2021 is a bit of a ...
Clear vinyl, limited to 200 copies. Started before, almost failed during and finally completed after the pandemic, "Für 3 Minuten 11" is the third album by Mannheim punk band Kaptain Kaizen. As an ...
[GER] Das Intro von ,Es ist ein Fest" gaukelt trügerische Ruhe vor: die Gitarre setzt dann dissonant und zerrend ein, wie man Karies gewohnt ist. Es groovt auf eine störrische Art und Weise vor sich ...
The solo project of Denis, guitarist of the mighty SUIR - and don't worry, KEINE ANGST IM DUNKELN isn't miles away from Denis' main band musically. No, it's dark, spooky, and almost mysterious here ...
Einseitig bespielte 12", weisses Vinyl - 350 Gramm Cover mit Poster! 5 neue Songs der Hamburger Punx - trauriger Weise wird hier ein Abschied zelebriert: Mausi und Stütze verlassen die Band und geben ...
Clear vinyl. Oi, get your spandex out - glam is coming into your life NOW! A super warm shower straight from Australia, featuring members of CLOWNS and CABLE TIES. Expect 11 sugary-sweet pop-punk ...
Repress, 180g, grünes Vinyl. Hamburg - zwei Jungs nehmen als "Projekt und Proberaumband" 2009 eine LP und eine Ep. auf, die innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu absoluten Underground-Sammlerstücken werden. ...
The new Mountain Witch record "Extinct Cults" will be the last before a longer break, so the both main dudes Rene & Rene decide to do it properly - so why not take the main Mountain Witch doom ...
400 copies purple wax! Fold Out Poster, remastered & remixed by Eroc Welcome to the definitive Vortex. The LP you're holding has been on a journey, and no, not just shipping. Mouth's second after ...
On their sophomore album "Banner of Defeat" Neorite offer their heaviest and bleakest side so far and just hereby find their very own and distinctive style of metal. Equipped with the punch of ...
On their sophomore album "Banner of Defeat" Neorite offer their heaviest and bleakest side so far and just hereby find their very own and distinctive style of metal. Equipped with the punch of ...
Here we go again! NightFyre from germany are back with their brand new ep "Shattered Lands" - the will bring you five new smasher, best NWOBHM material! Singer David sounds again like the young ...
The title of the new Oakhands EP 'A Circle with Many Centres' is a reference to a short story by Haruki Murakami. It is also the realization by Oakhands that life and feelings cannot be so logically ...
Das Thrash-Team Space Chaser meldet sich zurück, zwar nicht mit gänzlich neuem Material, aber mit überarbeiten Stuff. 2013 erblickte die Decapitron EP als CD-Release das Licht der Welt. ...
(Cold Wave/PostPunk) SUIR is a duo based in Cologne, which started in the beginning of 2017 when Denis Wanic (guitar and vocals) and Lucia Seiß (synths, guitar and bass) joined forces for their band ...
A symbiotic relationship between old and new - a retro sound sent into the future, that's how Tausend Augen (English: "thousand eyes") sound. This sound aesthetic is a result of a get together of 50 ...
A symbiotic relationship between old and new - a retro sound sent into the future, that's how Tausend Augen (English: "thousand eyes") sound. This sound aesthetic is a result of a get together of 50 ...
Holy Moly - this is a neckbreaker. Known from several quality releases (split with Iron Reagan) the belgium powerhouse Toxic Shock pushed their boundaries once again. No compromises! And so they went ...
Holy Moly - this is a neckbreaker. Known from several quality releases (split with Iron Reagan) the belgium powerhouse Toxic Shock pushed their boundaries once again. No compromises! And so they went ...
3 guys, 4 songs - it can be that simple. Plenty of reverb on the vocals, screeching guitars, a wall of sound - think of a mix between Merchandise and Home Front. Just killer post-punk: pulsating, ...
Don't be fooled - this is not a trip to the swiss alps, no Toblerone and shit! This is Val Sinestra, the Berlin powerhouse, these guys are not into Heidi, they deal with noise, anger, ...