La Onda de Juan Pablo was a travelogue of sorts, with its anthropological efforts, its parade of Latin American musicians and its choice to only feature Wauters native tongue. Introducing Juan Pablo, ...
La Onda de Juan Pablo was a travelogue of sorts, with its anthropological efforts, its parade of Latin American musicians and its choice to only feature Wauters native tongue. Introducing Juan Pablo, ...
Gatefold LP! In the last couple of years, Juan Wauters has covered a lot of ground, both artistically and geographically. The year 2016 saw him performing his music in his native Uruguay for the ...
Auf seinem Solodebüt "N.A.P. North American Poetry" wagt JUAN WAUTERS große Träume und steht als Sänger auf eigenen Beinen. Aufbauend auf seinem Songwriting, das er bei THE BEETS perfektioniert hat, ...
Allen die dieses Jahr nicht in den Urlaub fahren können, sei hiermit der neue Longplayer von JUAN WAUTERS ans Herz gelegt. Der uruguayische Songwriter entwirft auf seinem kollaborativen Album ,Real ...
Auf seinem bisher introspektivsten Werk, dem sechsten Soloalbum "Wandering Rebel", reflektiert JUAN WAUTERS die Suche nach Stabilität und sein Nomadenleben, das er bisher geführt hat. Die Songs auf ...
Who Me? is the next chapter in the ongoing story of Juan Wauters. Whereas his debut solo record was recorded casually over the course of one year, his new album was crafted in under two weeks at ...
Who Me? is the next chapter in the ongoing story of Juan Wauters. Whereas his debut solo record was recorded casually over the course of one year, his new album was crafted in under two weeks at ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr