BLONDES, the duo of Sam Haar and Zach Steinman, release their self-titled debut album for RVNG Intl. Haar and Steinman met at Oberlin College in 2003, where they studied electroacoustic composition ...
,Persuasion" versammelt drei neue Tracks von BLONDES. Auf ihren ersten neuen Tracks seit ,Swisher" widmen sich Sam Haar und Zach Steinman weiterhin den Themen, die sie auf diesem Album behandelten, ...
"Swisher" is a bold expansion of BLONDES' recorded repertoire, evolved from the past couple years of reinventing their sound for intense club atmospheres. A dark, meticulous production with a ...
"Swisher" is a bold expansion of BLONDES' recorded repertoire, evolved from the past couple years of reinventing their sound for intense club atmospheres. A dark, meticulous production with a ...