Das letzte Studioalbum der Dead Kennedys, ursprünglich 1986 aufgenommen. Enthält einige ihrer schnellsten und heftigsten Tracks überhaupt. Inklusive "Hop With The Jet Set", "Rambozo The Clown", ...
DEAD KENNEDY'S BEDTIME FOR DEMOCRACY AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL Bedtime for Democracy is the fourth and final studio album by American punk rock band Dead Kennedys. Released in 1986, songs on this ...
This 30 minute VHS features the seminal punk band Dead Kennedys, live from their early years at various venues, including the Mabuhay Gardens, the Sproul Plaza at Berkeley and at Target Studios ...
Das 1985 erschienene Album wurde das bekannteste der Dead Kennedys. Mit den alten Favoriten "Soup Is Good Food", "Jock-O-Rama", "Goons Of Hazard" und "MTV Get Off The Air". ...
DEAD KENNEDY'S FRANKENCHRIST AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL Frankenchrist is the third album released by the American hardcore punk band Dead Kennedys in 1985 on Alternative Tentacles. The album is an ...
Dieses Album braucht keine Erläuterungen - dies ist die "Greatest Hits" Sammlung der Band und sollte in jedem Plattenschrank stehen! Enthält "Police Truck", "California Über Alles", "Holiday In ...
DEAD KENNEDY'S 'GIVE ME CONVIENIENCE' AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL! Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death (stylized as Give me convenience OR give me death) is a compilation album by the American hardcore ...
DEAD KENNEDY'S 'IN GOD WE TRUST' AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL In God We Trust is a hardcore punk EP by the Dead Kennedys and the first of the group's albums with drummer D.H. Peligro. The record is a ...
This DVD features footage from the lost recording session of In God We Trust Inc. and includes between song banter, outtakes and rescued multi-track recordings. Also features live performances of ...
CLASSIC DEAD KENNEDYS RELEASE AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL! In March 1979, San Francisco's Deaf Club played host to one of the world's favourite punk bands - Dead Kennedys. Playing a set that was heavily ...
Das erste Live-Album der Dead Kennedys! Bisher unveröffentlichte Liveaufnahmen aus der Mitte der 80er in San Francisco. Klassiker wie "Police Truck", "Kill The Poor", "Holiday In Cambodia", "Moon ...
DEAD KENNEDY'S 'MUTINY ON THE BAY' AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL Mutiny on the Bay is a live album by the Dead Kennedys. The album is not one consecutive concert, but rather tracks taken from various ...
DEAD KENNEDY'S 'PLASTIC SURGERY DISASTERS' AVAILABLE AGAIN ON VINYL Plastic Surgery Disasters is the second full-length album released by punk rock legends Dead Kennedys. Recorded in San Francisco ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr