Endless Skyways is Bobby Lee's third full album and second release on Tompkins Square. Returning to the full band sound of his debut, the name Endless Skyways is borrowed from a line in Woody ...
Endless Skyways is Bobby Lee's third full album and second release on Tompkins Square. Returning to the full band sound of his debut, the name Endless Skyways is borrowed from a line in Woody ...
Bobby Lee trades in a wide screen brand of cosmic country-folk, full of space and pawn shop guitars. There are touches of JJ Cale's analogue Americana, the swampy groove of Tony Joe White and Richard ...
L.B. STEEL UND DER HEILIGE TAUCHER sprengt Grenzen. Sei dabei, wenn sich unser metallisches Ermittlertrio um Anführer L.B. Steel auf ein episches Abenteuer begibt, um das legendäre „Schwert des Heavy Metals“ zu finden. mehr