Seinen größten Erfolg hatte er mit 16: Der Nummer-eins-Hit "The Letter" machte Alex Chilton 1967 als Sänger der Box Tops weltweit bekannt. In den 70ern schlossen sich Erfolge mit Big Star an, seit ...
Alex Chilton's Feudalist Tarts (1985) found the Big Star/The Box Tops front man re-making himself as a southern fried hipster offering up original tunes like "Stuff" and sly soulful covers "B-A-B'Y" ...
- Limited pressing (1500 copies) on Sky Blue Vinyl. - Out of print for almost 30 years - Includes rare never-before-seen vacation photos by Anna Lee Van Cleef who shot the original album cover // ...
Some know him as the lead singer of the Boxtops who had a number one hit in 1967 with "The Letter," others know him from the majestic Beatlesque pop of Big Star or as the name in a song by the ...
Some know him as the lead singer of the Boxtops who had a number one hit in 1967 with "The Letter," others know him from the majestic Beatlesque pop of Big Star or as the name in a song by the ...
Alex Chilton front man for the Boxtops and Big Star was always known to surprise his fans with different directions he took over the years. Songs From Robin Hood Lane finds Chilton tackling a variety ...
Alex Chilton front man for the Boxtops and Big Star was always known to surprise his fans with different directions he took over the years. Songs From Robin Hood Lane finds Chilton tackling a variety ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr