Thou have a bit of a reputation for doing Nirvana covers, even releasing of a full album of them titled Blessings of the Highest Order during the height of quarantine. The infamously ravenous Thou ...
Thou have a bit of a reputation for doing Nirvana covers, even releasing of a full album of them titled Blessings of the Highest Order during the height of quarantine. The infamously ravenous Thou ...
Thou have a bit of a reputation for doing Nirvana covers, even releasing of a full album of them titled Blessings of the Highest Order during the height of quarantine. The infamously ravenous Thou ...
Blessings of the Highest Order compiles all of Thou's Nirvana covers, originally recorded and released piecemeal on various EPs, splits, and tributes from 2009 - 2018. The songs feature guest ...
Blessings of the Highest Order compiles all of Thou's Nirvana covers, originally recorded and released piecemeal on various EPs, splits, and tributes from 2009 - 2018. The songs feature guest ...
Though often lumped in with New Orleans sludge bands like Eyehategod and Crowbar, Thou shares a more spiritual kinship with '90s proto-grunge bands like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden (all ...
THOU war schon immer eine Kraft der rohen Energie und des unverblümten Dissenses, die sich einer einfachen Kategorisierung widersetzt und den Hörer herausfordert, sich mit der Komplexität der ...
THOU war schon immer eine Kraft der rohen Energie und des unverblümten Dissenses, die sich einer einfachen Kategorisierung widersetzt und den Hörer herausfordert, sich mit der Komplexität der ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr