2023 REPRESS. "Coil Presents Black Light District: A Thousand Lights In A Darkened Room". During the transitional period in which Coil's primary leadership (Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson and John ...
The turn of the millennium ushered in an apex visionary phase for English esoteric duo Coil. Relocating from the city to the coastal quiet of Westonsuper-Mare freed them to follow even more fringe ...
Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl The turn of the millennium ushered in an apex visionary phase for English esoteric duo Coil. Relocating from the city to the coastal quiet of Weston- super-Mare freed them to ...
Red in Clear Vinyl. First compiled as a double CD in 2002, Moon's Milk (in Four Phases) is a suite of four EPs that Coil released seasonally via their in-house Eskaton imprint across 1998. The ...
Reissued for the first time in over 20 years Completely remastered and restored audio and artwork. // Few groups in recent history forged as confounding and alchemical a body of work as Coil, the ...
Cloudy Purple Vinyl. Few groups in recent history forged as confounding and alchemical a body of work as Coil, the partnership of Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson and John Balance. From album to album ...
Few groups in recent history forged as confounding and alchemical a body of work as Coil, the partnership of Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson and John Balance. From album to album and phase to phase ...
Few groups in recent history forged as confounding and alchemical a body of work as Coil, the partnership of Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson and John Balance. From album to album and phase to phase ...
Unter der erstaunlichen Reihe von Meisterwerken der späten Coil Ära gilt das Mond-Opus "Musick To Play In The Dark" als künstlerischer Zenit der Band. Die Sessions, aus denen es hervorging, waren ...
Unter der erstaunlichen Reihe von Meisterwerken der späten Coil Ära gilt das Mond-Opus "Musick To Play In The Dark" als künstlerischer Zenit der Band. Die Sessions, aus denen es hervorging, waren ...
Unter der erstaunlichen Reihe von Meisterwerken der späten Coil Ära gilt das Mond-Opus "Musick To Play In The Dark" als künstlerischer Zenit der Band. Die Sessions, aus denen es hervorging, waren ...
Unter der erstaunlichen Reihe von Meisterwerken der späten Coil Ära gilt das Mond-Opus "Musick To Play In The Dark" als künstlerischer Zenit der Band. Die Sessions, aus denen es hervorging, waren ...
Queens Of The Circulating Library stands alongside Time Machines and Nurse With Wound's Soliloquy For Lilith as a post-industrial pinnacle of sensory-warping long-form drone. Crafted by the distilled ...
Clear Vinyl Queens Of The Circulating Library stands alongside Time Machines and Nurse With Wound's Soliloquy For Lilith as a post-industrial pinnacle of sensory-warping long-form drone. Crafted by ...
Das "Stay Loud", das eigentlich nur für unsere Weihnachtsgrüße gedacht war, lassen wir hier einfach mal stehen, denn in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, laut zu bleiben und Haltung zu zeigen. Bleibt stabil! mehr