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24.03.2023 | 14:09

BULLY kündigt neues Album „Lucky For You“ für den 02. Juni 2023 via Sub Pop an! Video zur Single „Days Move Slow“ jetzt online!

Nachdem BULLY (alias Alicia Bognanno) letzten Monat mit der Soccer Mommy-Kollaboration „Lose You“ ein neues Album angeteasert hat, gibt es heute Gewissheit: Am 02. Juni 2023 veröffentlicht die Nashville Rockerin ihr neues Album „Lucky For You“ via Sub Pop. Das 10-Track-Album führt den eingeschlagenen Weg von „Lose You“ sowie der soeben veröffentlichten zweiten Single „Days Move Slow“ gekonnt fort: Weg vom aggressiven Grunge-Rock, hin zu knackigem Gitarren-Pop, der Einflüsse aus Punk, Shoegaze und Britpop enthält.

„Lucky For You“ wurde 2022 in den MMK Studios sowie in Alicias House in Nashville mit Unterstützung des Produzenten JT Daly und Mix & Master von Joe LaPorta bei Sterling Sound aufgenommen. Die pulsierende Single „Days Move Slow“ wurde nach dem Tod ihres heißtgeliebten Hunds und besten Freundes Mezzi geschrieben.

BULLY über den Track: „As someone who has spent the majority of my life feeling agonizingly misunderstood, there is no greater gift than experiencing true unconditional love and acceptance. I waited my whole life for the bond and irreplaceable companionship I had with Mezzi. She was my best friend and my only constant through some of the most pivotal moments and phases of my life. I was a stranger to the level of love I now know exists because of Mezzi. Love you forever. I’m lucky for you.“

Das offizielle Video zu „Days Move Slow“ wurde von US-Regisseur Alex Ross Perry gedreht, der die Zusammenarbeit wie folgt kommentiert: „This is my third time collaborating with Alicia, but my first time collaborating with Bully. Having written the original songs for my film Her Smell and performed at the Pavement Museum Tribute Concert "scene" for my forthcoming film on them, I can't believe I finally got to make a Bully video. Right away, it seemed striking to make a piece as stark and measured as possible, not to make a video that replicates the song's sonic energy but to visualize the emotional weight and feelings of loss and grief depicted in the lyrics. Alicia doesn't seem to have been filmed in 16mm black and white before, so it was a no-brainer to give that a try.“
BULLY kündigt neues Album „Lucky For You“ für den 02. Juni 2023 via Sub Pop an! Video zur Single „Days Move Slow“ jetzt online!

„Lucky For You“ is BULLY’s most close-to-the-bone album yet. It’s an album that’s searing and unmistakably marked by its creator’s experiences, while still retaining the massive sound that Alicia Bognanno has become known for over the last decade. Her fourth album draws from personal pain and the universal struggle that is existing, learning, and moving on—and it’s all soundtracked by Bognanno’s rock-solid melodic sensibilities and a widescreen sound that’s impossible to pin down when it comes to the textures explored. These ten songs are simply the most irresistible Bognanno’s put to tape yet, making „Lucky For You“ her greatest triumph to date in a career already packed with them.

Work on „Lucky For You“ began last year when Bognanno brought some in-progress demos to producer J.T. Daly in his Nashville studio to see if they could strike creative kismet. „Authenticity is always on my mind, without even knowing it,” she explains while discussing their recording process together. „If I’m doing something that doesn’t feel natural or right, I’m quick to shut it down. So it was great to work with J.T. because I could tell he was a genuine fan who wanted to emphasize what he thinks is good about my writing instead of changing it. I could tell how much he cared about the project, and it meant a lot to me.” The album came together over the course of seven months, the longest gestation process for a BULLY record to date: „I was freaking out about it at first because taking my time was so new for me. But a few months in, I realized how crucial that time ended up being. I got songs out of it that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

„With every record, I feel more and more secure in terms of doing what I want,” Bognanno continues. „For this one, I wanted to be as creative as possible with these songs.” She got her wish: A kaleidoscopic rock record spanning punk’s grit, the crunchy bliss of shoegaze, explosive Britpop, and the type of classic anthems BULLY has been known for, „Lucky For You’s“ thematic focus also zooms in on grief and loss. The record is largely inspired by Bognanno’s dog Mezzi passing away, at a time when her life already felt as if in metamorphosis.

„Mezzi was my best friend,” she explains. „She made me feel safe and empowered, she showed me that I was worth loving and never judged me or viewed me as a let down. I always felt accepted, understood and so much less alone. Mezzi was living, breathing proof that I was worthy of being loved.” And the oceanic first single „Days Move Slow” was written shortly after Mezzi’s passing, reflecting the persistence of Bognanno’s incisive wit even while facing adversity. „There was nothing else I could do except sit down and write.”

„Hard to Love” stomps and lurches with awesome abandon, resembling one of the most sonically left-field tunes Bognanno’s put to tape as BULLY; and then there’s the passionate opening track „All I Do”, which kicks in the door Bully-style with huge riffs atop her lyrical reflections on three years of sobriety. „I’ve been living in this house for seven years,” she says while discussing her current Nashville abode. „Once I stopped drinking, I felt like I was still haunted by mistakes and things that had happened when I was drinking, and it’s still taking me a long time to forget about that while existing in this house. How do I shed the skin from a path I’ve moved on from?”

In that vein, „Lucky For You“ is a document of perseverance in the face of the big and the small stuff. „I’m so overly emotional and sensitive, it’s a blessing and a curse,” she says with a laugh, but there’s no downside to her expressions of vulnerability on this record; it’s the latest bit of evidence that nothing can hold Bognanno back.

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SUB POP · LP · ID 167438
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